spinning iconUX DESIGN

Getting people to use your product is one thing, but keeping their attention and keeping them wanting more is another. I improve these experiences through usability.

  • Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Functional Specifications
  • User Testing
  • Information Architecture
  • Design Patterns
  • iOS/Android Guidelines
  • Flow Charts
  • Wireframes
  • Prototyping
  • Visual/Interface Design

spinning iconFRONT END

HTML and CSS are the bread and butter of any website. I whip up great code that is clean, efficient, and responsive. Utilizing open source frameworks and valid-efficient code.

  • HTML5
  • CSS3 (SASS preprocessing)
  • SASS/LESS Preprocessing
  • Responsive Design
  • JavaScript (Basic Implementation)
  • jQuery (Basic Implementation)
  • Bootstrap/Foundation Frameworks
  • MVC Views (Angular/ERB)
  • CMS (Wordpress/Sitefinity)
  • SEO

spinning iconPOLYMATH

I have tons of hobbies and interests outside of my general design mindset. I've also specialized in many other creative disciplines including:

  • IT Services
  • DSLR Photography (Timelapse)
  • Video Production
  • Multi-instrumentalist
  • Audio Engineering
  • Resident Tech Expert
  • Office Comedy and Hijinks :0

Check out my portfolio